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Работа ученика. Сочинение на тему "Война 1812 года".The Borodino field is the field of Russian glory.

The word ’’Borodino’’is known all over the word. This is the name of the small village being near Moscow on the old Smolenskaya Road. …A field, the Russian field, the Borodino field! This field became a symbol of victory of Russian people over Napoleonic army in war of 1812. Many years have passed since then but we didn’t forget those days when all Russian people rose in arms to struggle for their Homeland against such strong an enemy. Borodino became a shrine for Russia. Inexpressible excitement covers you when you step on this dear to each Russian person earth. And the field, it is necessary to tell, is marvelously beautiful, peace, quiet, green, framed with birches worrying in the wind. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. Nightingales are singing. Bird-cherry trees are in blossom, wood apple-trees are in blossom, dandelions are scattered and winking at the sun. And silence…. Not to take in at a glance this field. And monuments are seen everywhere. They are both there and here, both here and over there on the horizon. How many them there are! … Early morning was solar over the Borodino field. “This sun is Austerlits’s sun!’’- Napoleon exclaimed. And over Kutuzov examining regiments before the battle suddenly an eagle appeared in the sky and soared over him long. Then Kutuzov orderеd to serve a public prayer to an icon of the God Mother of Smolensk as the prayer for Russian is already a half of a victory. ‘’Sons of Mother-Russia, today it is necessary to protect our native earth. It is necessary to devote yourselves to Russia with the belief and the truth to the last drop of blood… I hope for you, God will help us! Let’s fight for the Belief, the Tsar and the Fatherland!” …Frenchmen were going with fluent steps with a drumbeat…Fire was terrible… It wasn’t visible either the sun or the sky, there was only a blood field. Kernels were tearing everything and everyone into pieces, case-shots were tearing off parts of bodies, sables were cutting and bayonets were pricking… The Borodino battle began with a down and ended in twilight. Borodino is not absolutely a victory but also not a defeat. Russian receded with honor to win further. Our soldiers kept the oath of fidelity taken before the beginning of the Borodino fight. Their fearlessness helped not only to win a long-awaiting victor but also to change all course of the war. The French army being in the most excellent forces couldn’t overcome Russian soldier. Napoleon (from the letter to the wife):’’ It’s the most awful battle from all my battles what I had before. In it Frenchmen proved to be worthy to win a victory, and Russian gained the right to be invincible’’… Fighting valor of Russian soldiers is immortal. It finds the immortality in lines of poets and writers, in a stone of monuments and grateful of descendants. The Borodino field is the field of Russian glory.

Автор: Леонова Елена Ивановна
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