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and ultimately who is the victory of the decision is in your hands

ALX ONE Rolex replicas is the the seiyuu firm, established on April 1 this year by the famous Japanese seiyuu Morikawa Tomoyuki Fukuyama two good Friends of Two months later, their official website announced four new franchisee seiyuu, they just switched over from the Production baobab collective Goto Yap Son, the Sugiyama Ji Chang, Tachibana Shinnosuke Mizushima Takahiro. Before Fukuyama, the seiyuu for Production baobab belongs, followed by Morikawa Tomoyuki captured together to create the ALX ONE, and this time switched incoming excellent reputation, three are with dubbing the original and Fukuyama The magistrate was born seiyuu. Original-owned firms for Production baobab. Height 160cm, blood type is O. To have a lovely tone, a bit off the line of the role of voice acting received.

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Mizushima Takahiro (June 14, 1976 - ) was born in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a Japanese male seiyuu. Good for adolescents, young voices for the characters. Stage name with real name, height 174 cm, blood group A type. Original-owned firms for wedding gowns Production baobab.

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