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Test №2. Grade 9th «Music» Variant I.
1. Read the text Madonna
1. Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958, in Bay City, Michigan. Madonna is one of the most successful artists in the history of popular music. No other female singer in music has been as successful over such a long time. At the age of five, Madonna lost her mother. Her father was extremely strict and always had her doing something productive. She was also the oldest daughter of eight, which gave her many responsibilities.
2. When Madonna was twelve, she entered a local Catholic high school. After Madonna left school, she attended the University of Michigan on a dance scholarship, where the ballet school owner, Chris Flynn, taught her.
3. After studying at the University of Michigan, Madonna decided to move to New York. She arrived in New York with thirty- five dollars, dance shoes and a bag full of tights. She spent two years working hard at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater.
4. Madonna realized that she needed more than just dancing to have a career in this world. Madonna started her own band, with her as the lead singer. Her first single "Everybody” was number three on the dance charts. Madonna’s first album entitled ‘Madonna’ was released in 1983 and won her millions of fans and invitations to be in movies. Her career had begun.
5. Madonna not only had a career in singing she started her own clothing line called "Wazoo”. Madonna’s music took a new and controversial turn. Her new album "Like a Virgin” established Madonna as a popular artist.
6. In the early 1990s, Madonna’s career reached a new level. She had the hit songs: "Vogue,” "Hanky Panky,” "Justify My Love” "Rescue Me,” and "This Used to be My Playground” Her greatest hits album was entitled «The Immaculate Collection».
7. In March 1998, Madonna released another album”Ray of Light”. Madonna had also changed her look. She went from a bleach blonde girl to wearing black clothes and black hair. In December 2000 she married Guy Ritchie, a British film director.
8. In 2002, Madonna starred in her husband’s film, "Swept Away” which did not do well at all. Today, Madonna continues to lead the pop charts. She leads in the music industry, she writes her own music and books. She is a great author, actress and musician.
Date___________Grade________Name_______________________________________V I
2. Find in the text. Найдите в тексте.
1. имена прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения
2. неличные формы глагола
3. глаголы в пассивном залоге
4. примеры притяжательного падежа
5. имена существительные и прилагательные, соответствующие теме «Музыка»
3. Give English equivalents to Russian words. Приведите английские эквиваленты следующих слов:
1. чрезвычайно строгий 2. линия по производству одежды
3. солист 4. карьера
5. играть главную роль 5. приглашения сниматься в кино
4. Indicate the numbers of passages where you find the information about. Укажите номер абзаца, в котором содержится информация о… .
1. singer’s parents________________
2. her image_____________________
3. her first album_________________
4. her teacher ___________________
5. her study______________________
6. her career in cinema______________
7. her first work____________________
5. Give another title to the text. Озаглавьте текст иначе.____________________________
6/ Choose the best answer
1. She lost her mother at the age of a)7 b) 5 c) 12
2. She left a) Christian school b) ballet school c) Catholic school
3. Her first album was a)Vogue b) Rescue me c) Everybody
4. She married a) Chris Flynn b) Alvin Ailey c) Guy Rich
5. She starred in the film a) Hanky-Panky b) Wazoo c) Swept Away
Test №2. Grade 9th «Music» Variant II.
1. Read the text Elvis Presley
1. Elvis Presley, who died at the age of 42 on August 16, 1977, will be remembered as one of the earliest and the greatest rock and roll singers. His recordings of «Blue Suede Shoes», «Hound Dog» and «Heartbreak Hotel» will always be classics. To his own generation and to others born after his career began, Elvis remained «the King».
2. A new art form, a youth revolution was not among the ideas of Presley and his promoters. He was launched in the middle fifties as a money-making singer with a life, possibly, of six months. But he was to create a style which fascinated millions of young people for twenty years.
3. Elvis Aron Presley was born in January, 1935, in the small town of Tupelo, Fast Mississippi. His parents were poor factory workers. Elvis was one of twin boys, his brother Aron died at birth. Throughout his childhood, Elvis was beloved of all who knew him, especially his mother Gladys. Elvis, in return, was very fond of his mother, and was deeply affected by her death in 1958.
4. The Presley family moved to Memphis when Elvis was 10. Elvis had received a musical education no greater than any boy in the Southern States of the USA, picking up simple guitar-playing, singing in church or at country fairs. When he left school, he was to work as a truck driver.
5. Etvis's first success was a recording made for Sam Phillips at Sun Records in Memphis: «That's All Right, Mama». Phillips saw the possibilities in а white boy who could sing black music. It was he who encouraged Presley to develop a style unlike anything ever heard.
6. Presley might none the less have become unknown to the great public but for the work of «Colonel» — Tom Parker who steered his career as manager — flooding the market with songbooks, lipsticks, sweaters and picture albums of his Elvis.
7. The «Colonel» restricted Elvis's TV shows to one every two years — he saw the dangers of being seen too often by the masses. This and, of course, his powerful singing made Elvis's success. «Heartbreak Hotel» alone stayed for eight weeks at number one in the American hit-parade. Elvis Presley had lived not long but bright life and remained the "King of Rock&Roll music”.
8. Date___________Grade________Name____________________________________V II
2. Find in the text. Найдите в тексте.
1. имена прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения
2. неличные формы глагола
3. глаголы в пассивном залоге
4. примеры притяжательного падежа
5. имена существительные и прилагательные, соответствующие теме «Музыка»
3. Give English equivalents to Russian words. Приведите английские эквиваленты следующих слов:
1. поколение 2 водитель грузовика
3. молодежная революция 4. сельские ярмарки
5. заполнить рынок 5. в середине пятидесятых
4. Indicate the numbers of passages where you find the information about. Укажите номер абзаца, в котором содержится информация о… .
1. singer’s relatives_______________
2. his style _____________________
3. his first recording_______________
4. his career manager _____________
5. his success in the hit-parades______
6. his attitude to the members of his family___________
7. his first work_________________________________
5. Give another title to the text. Озаглавьте текст иначе._______________________
6. Choose the best answer
1. Elvis Presley died at a) 58 b) 16 c) 42
2. His nick was a)Aron b)King c) Hound Dog
3. His mother’s name was a) Memphis b)Mama c) Gladys
4. His career manager was a) Sam Phillips b) Tom Parker Aron Presley
5. After school Elvis worked as a) driver b) worker c)manager
Анализ административной контрольной работы по предмету Иностранный язык в 9”___” классе МОУСОШ № 35.
Учитель – ____________________________-
Количество учащихся в группе_________.
Количество учащихся, выполнявших работу___________.
Стандарт иноязычного образования на базовом уровне по чтению усвоили:
на удовлетворительном уровне («3») – ___%
на хорошем уровне («4») - ___%
на отличном уровне («5») – ___%
с работой не справились…………………(«2») ___%
Задания на
для контроля уровня сформированности грамматических навыков проверку умений читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации проверку умений полно и точно понять содержание художественного текста
Степень сравнения
2.1 Нел.ф.глагола
2.2 Пас.залог
2.3 Прит.падеж
2.4 3 6 4 5
не справились
Автор: Кравченко Оксана Викторовна
Проверочная работа по английскому языку по теме "Музыка" в 9 классе (учебник В.Кузовлева)
9.16 КБ, 1117148.zip Автор: Кравченко Оксана Викторовна, 6 Июн 2015
Test №2. Grade 9th «Music» Variant I.
1. Read the text Madonna
1. Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958, in Bay City, Michigan. Madonna is one of the most successful artists in the history of popular music. No other female singer in music has been as successful over such a long time. At the age of five, Madonna lost her mother. Her father was extremely strict and always had her doing something productive. She was also the oldest daughter of eight, which gave her many responsibilities.
2. When Madonna was twelve, she entered a local Catholic high school. After Madonna left school, she attended the University of Michigan on a dance scholarship, where the ballet school owner, Chris Flynn, taught her.
3. After studying at the University of Michigan, Madonna decided to move to New York. She arrived in New York with thirty- five dollars, dance shoes and a bag full of tights. She spent two years working hard at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater.
4. Madonna realized that she needed more than just dancing to have a career in this world. Madonna started her own band, with her as the lead singer. Her first single "Everybody” was number three on the dance charts. Madonna’s first album entitled ‘Madonna’ was released in 1983 and won her millions of fans and invitations to be in movies. Her career had begun.
5. Madonna not only had a career in singing she started her own clothing line called "Wazoo”. Madonna’s music took a new and controversial turn. Her new album "Like a Virgin” established Madonna as a popular artist.
6. In the early 1990s, Madonna’s career reached a new level. She had the hit songs: "Vogue,” "Hanky Panky,” "Justify My Love” "Rescue Me,” and "This Used to be My Playground” Her greatest hits album was entitled «The Immaculate Collection».
7. In March 1998, Madonna released another album”Ray of Light”. Madonna had also changed her look. She went from a bleach blonde girl to wearing black clothes and black hair. In December 2000 she married Guy Ritchie, a British film director.
8. In 2002, Madonna starred in her husband’s film, "Swept Away” which did not do well at all. Today, Madonna continues to lead the pop charts. She leads in the music industry, she writes her own music and books. She is a great author, actress and musician.
Date___________Grade________Name_______________________________________V I
2. Find in the text. Найдите в тексте.
1. имена прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения
2. неличные формы глагола
3. глаголы в пассивном залоге
4. примеры притяжательного падежа
5. имена существительные и прилагательные, соответствующие теме «Музыка»
3. Give English equivalents to Russian words. Приведите английские эквиваленты следующих слов:
1. чрезвычайно строгий 2. линия по производству одежды
3. солист 4. карьера
5. играть главную роль 5. приглашения сниматься в кино
4. Indicate the numbers of passages where you find the information about. Укажите номер абзаца, в котором содержится информация о… .
1. singer’s parents________________
2. her image_____________________
3. her first album_________________
4. her teacher ___________________
5. her study______________________
6. her career in cinema______________
7. her first work____________________
5. Give another title to the text. Озаглавьте текст иначе.____________________________
6/ Choose the best answer
1. She lost her mother at the age of a)7 b) 5 c) 12
2. She left a) Christian school b) ballet school c) Catholic school
3. Her first album was a)Vogue b) Rescue me c) Everybody
4. She married a) Chris Flynn b) Alvin Ailey c) Guy Rich
5. She starred in the film a) Hanky-Panky b) Wazoo c) Swept Away
Test №2. Grade 9th «Music» Variant II.
1. Read the text Elvis Presley
1. Elvis Presley, who died at the age of 42 on August 16, 1977, will be remembered as one of the earliest and the greatest rock and roll singers. His recordings of «Blue Suede Shoes», «Hound Dog» and «Heartbreak Hotel» will always be classics. To his own generation and to others born after his career began, Elvis remained «the King».
2. A new art form, a youth revolution was not among the ideas of Presley and his promoters. He was launched in the middle fifties as a money-making singer with a life, possibly, of six months. But he was to create a style which fascinated millions of young people for twenty years.
3. Elvis Aron Presley was born in January, 1935, in the small town of Tupelo, Fast Mississippi. His parents were poor factory workers. Elvis was one of twin boys, his brother Aron died at birth. Throughout his childhood, Elvis was beloved of all who knew him, especially his mother Gladys. Elvis, in return, was very fond of his mother, and was deeply affected by her death in 1958.
4. The Presley family moved to Memphis when Elvis was 10. Elvis had received a musical education no greater than any boy in the Southern States of the USA, picking up simple guitar-playing, singing in church or at country fairs. When he left school, he was to work as a truck driver.
5. Etvis's first success was a recording made for Sam Phillips at Sun Records in Memphis: «That's All Right, Mama». Phillips saw the possibilities in а white boy who could sing black music. It was he who encouraged Presley to develop a style unlike anything ever heard.
6. Presley might none the less have become unknown to the great public but for the work of «Colonel» — Tom Parker who steered his career as manager — flooding the market with songbooks, lipsticks, sweaters and picture albums of his Elvis.
7. The «Colonel» restricted Elvis's TV shows to one every two years — he saw the dangers of being seen too often by the masses. This and, of course, his powerful singing made Elvis's success. «Heartbreak Hotel» alone stayed for eight weeks at number one in the American hit-parade. Elvis Presley had lived not long but bright life and remained the "King of Rock&Roll music”.
8. Date___________Grade________Name____________________________________V II
2. Find in the text. Найдите в тексте.
1. имена прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения
2. неличные формы глагола
3. глаголы в пассивном залоге
4. примеры притяжательного падежа
5. имена существительные и прилагательные, соответствующие теме «Музыка»
3. Give English equivalents to Russian words. Приведите английские эквиваленты следующих слов:
1. поколение 2 водитель грузовика
3. молодежная революция 4. сельские ярмарки
5. заполнить рынок 5. в середине пятидесятых
4. Indicate the numbers of passages where you find the information about. Укажите номер абзаца, в котором содержится информация о… .
1. singer’s relatives_______________
2. his style _____________________
3. his first recording_______________
4. his career manager _____________
5. his success in the hit-parades______
6. his attitude to the members of his family___________
7. his first work_________________________________
5. Give another title to the text. Озаглавьте текст иначе._______________________
6. Choose the best answer
1. Elvis Presley died at a) 58 b) 16 c) 42
2. His nick was a)Aron b)King c) Hound Dog
3. His mother’s name was a) Memphis b)Mama c) Gladys
4. His career manager was a) Sam Phillips b) Tom Parker Aron Presley
5. After school Elvis worked as a) driver b) worker c)manager
Анализ административной контрольной работы по предмету Иностранный язык в 9”___” классе МОУСОШ № 35.
Учитель – ____________________________-
Количество учащихся в группе_________.
Количество учащихся, выполнявших работу___________.
Стандарт иноязычного образования на базовом уровне по чтению усвоили:
на удовлетворительном уровне («3») – ___%
на хорошем уровне («4») - ___%
на отличном уровне («5») – ___%
с работой не справились…………………(«2») ___%
Задания на
для контроля уровня сформированности грамматических навыков проверку умений читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации проверку умений полно и точно понять содержание художественного текста
Степень сравнения
2.1 Нел.ф.глагола
2.2 Пас.залог
2.3 Прит.падеж
2.4 3 6 4 5
не справились
Автор: Кравченко Оксана Викторовна
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