Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Сердце и профилактика сердечных заболеваний" для 8 класса
Кисель Людмила Геннадьевна
ГУ ОСШ №66, г. Караганда
Учитель английского языка
Учитель высшего уровня квалификации высшей категории, стаж работы 29 лет
Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Сердце и профилактика сердечных заболеваний"
Иностранные языки, к уроку.
8 классы.
Тема: Сердце. Профилактика сердечных заболеваний.
Научить учащихся вести предметный разговор по теме.
Познакомить с лексикой по теме и закрепить её в ходе речевой практики. Выявить и расширить знания учащихся и работе сердца и кровообращении. Обсудить вопрос о профилактике сердечных заболеваний.
Развивать речевые навыки, навыки аудирования, память, внимание, аналитическое мышление, умение быстро реагировать, работать в группе, творческие способности, инициативу.
Помочь укрепить в сознании детей понимание необходимости вести здоровый образ жизни.
Оборудование: рисунок сердца, плакат с изображением кровеносной
системы человека, запись песен на русском и английском языках,
медицинский халат, раздаточный материал.
1. Today we’ll speak about an organ that doesn’t stop working all life. What’s this?
Of course, it’s a heart.
What other organs do you know?
(liver, lungs, brain, bones, kidney, muscle, bladder, bowel, cell)
2. Have you heard any songs about these organs? I am sure, you haven’t. But there are many songs about the heart. Listen to one of the Russian songs. ( Сердце, тебе не хочется покоя …)
Let’s try to translate it and sing together.
My heart, you don’t want to live in peace,
My heart, it’s so great to live and love,
My heart, it’s so nice to love and care,
Thank you, my dear heart, that you can love in such a way.
3. Now some words about the heart itself. Listen attentively. Then you will answer some questions.( групповая работа, по окончании которой свои варианты ответов предлагают спикеры) But first learn new words.
drive oxygen
auricle ventricle
valve partition
pour vessel
artery capillaries
circulation wrist
- You know that the most important organ in our body is heart.
- It weighs only 300 grams, but it works hard.
- It drives blood with oxygen to muscles, brain, bones.
- There is about 4 or 5 litres of blood in our body.
- The heart consists of four parts: 2 auricles ( right and left), 2 ventricles (right and left), 2 mitral valves and partition.
- Blood pours into auricles.
- Then ventricles push them into vessels.
- The left ventricle - into aorta, arteries and capillaries.
- The right ventricle- into the lung artery to get their oxygen.
- The first blood circulation is called large, the second – small.
- The time of full circulation is 20-23 seconds.
- During one day the heart drives about 13 tons of blood.
- Brain and nerves regulate the work of heart.
- You can learn about work of heart feeling pulse near the wrist and on the neck.
1/ What brings blood to the cells?
2/ How much blood is in the man’s body?
3/ What is the speed of blood circulation?
4/ How much blood a day does the heart move (pump)?
5/ What makes our heart beat slower?
a) physical activity b) sleeping c) stress
6/ What does blood bring to the cells?
7/ What blood vessels are the smallest?
8/ What regulates the work of the heart?
a) muscles b) brain c) soul
9/ What part of heart pushes blood into aorta?
a) left ventricle b) right ventricle c) right auricle
10/ How much does the heart weigh?
a) 300 g b) 400 g. c) 500 g/
4. Listen to short stories and discuss the questions to them.
- Jim had a weak heart. He couldn’t run, jump, play sport games. He suffered asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis. He spent some months a year in hospital. Everybody thought he would die. But he recovered. Why? What cured him? Give your ideas.
( fresh air, water, the sun, physical activity, natural food)
- When people were wild their life was very difficult and dangerous. Wild animals hunted and could eat them. They had many enemies who could kill them. Hunger, illnesses, wild nature – were serious problems for people.
How did they survive? Give your ideas.
( physical activity, good air, healthy food, nature)
5. Watch your classmates act and say if the doctors are right.
1/ Morning, doctor.
2. Morning. What’s the matter?
1/ I’ve got a headache and pain in my heart.
2. Do you smoke much?
1/ No, I don’t smoke and don’t drink strong drinks.
2. Let me take your blood pressure. Oh, it’s 180 to 130.
1. Is it all right?
2. Don’t worry. Go home and keep to bed.
1/ Sorry, may I come in?
2. Of course. What’s the trouble?
1/ I feel pain in my lungs and under my ribs (рёбра).
2. Let me feel your pulse and listen to your heart.
1/ Doctor, what’s this?
2. Show me your teeth and touch your nose with your finger.
1/ What’s for?
2. You have strange sounds in your lungs.
6. Some pieces of advice how to keep good health. You will find them on different sheets of paper. The beginning of each sentence is given to the pupils of group № 1, the ending – to group № 2. Match the parts of the sentences.
a)If you clean your teeth three times a day, you’ll not have to go to the dentist.
b)If you don’t smoke and drink alcohol drinks, your lungs and stomach will be
c)If you exercise much, run and eat you’ll have a young heart for long years.
healthy food,
d)If you watch TV and play computer you’ll have sick eyes and be nervous.
games 5-6 hours a day,
e)If you eat fat, spicy and junk food, you’ll get fat, you blood vessels will be
f)If you follow doctor’s advice, you’ll live long and happily.
7. Give your ideas and draw some pictures to illustrate them about what one must do and mustn’t do in order to keep one’s heart healthy.
8. Рефлексия
9. Выставление оценок.
Список используемой литературы:
1. Очкур Е Биология 8 кл.- Алматы: Мектеп.- 2008
2. Кузнецова Т.Д Учебник английского языка для 8 класса.- Алматы: Мектеп.- 2004
3. Данильченко В.И Russian phrasebook.- Душанбе: Михрон.- 1999
4. Шелкова Т.Г Can you speak over the telephone?- М.: Высшая школа.- 1989
5. Amazova L.A A bridge to spoken English.- М.: Vyssaya Skola.- 1980
6. Rolf Althof English in vier wochen.- Koln: Vemzg Verlags.- 1998
7. Франк В Русско- казахско- английский предметно-тематический словарь.- Алматы: Болашақ балапандары. Алматы.- 2006
8. Волкова А.Д Справочник по английской грамматике.- М.: Востотк-Запад.- 2007
Автор: Кисель Людмила Геннадьевна