Урок-презентация по английскому языку "Английский-глобальный язык".
Разработка урока
Тема: English is а global language.
Цель урока:
Формирование у учащихся коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции.
Задачи урока:
1. Развивать навыки аудирования и умения извлекать из услышанного текста необходимую информацию.
2. Рассказать о проекте исследования словарей перед аудиторией в доступной форме;
3. Воспитывать интерес к культуре, традициям англоязычной страны.
Вид урока: обобщение
Оборудование урока:
1. Мультимедиа:
а) виды словарей,
б) слайды с новыми словами.
2. Аудиокассета с текстом.
Учитель английского языка
Сугушлинской основной школы
Фатхутдинова Э.Ф.
Ход урока
1. Сообщение цели урока и введение учащихся в тему
Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Nowadays a lot of people want to know foreign languages. Some of them have become global languages, i.e. languages of the planet. They help people all over the world to exchange information and to develop understanding. Sometimes people call English the global language, because nearly in all countries of the world people speak it. (слайд №1)
Do you agree with me? What are your opinions about this statement? Some people say English is the global language. What do you think about it?
Примерный разговор «Учитель-Ученик»
- I agree with this statement, because if you go to any European country and if you can speak English you may find everything you want: a hotel, a bus stop, an airport, a shop, a cafe.
- Many books by British or American authors translated from other languages. Whatever you`re interested in, you can read about it in English!
- You can buy English - language magazines and newspapers in every part of the world.
- You can use most pages on the Web. That`s over a billion pages of information! I suppose learning one language gives you a chance to get almost all knowledge of the Internet!
Teacher: O` key. I understand your points of view. Now look at the blackboard. Here is the map of the world. Find countries and governments where the English language is used as an official or second language. You may use magnets and put them to these places. (на доске демонстрируется карта мира, учащиеся выходят показывают и называют страну и на нее прикрепляют магнит.)
2. Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Now look at the blackboard , we can see different countries, say me please what languages they speak. (слайд № 2, после того как учащиеся называют ответ появляется вторая колонка)
3. Развитие навыков аудирования
а) Представление незнакомых слов (слайд № 3.)
б) работа с вопросами, на которые предстоит ответить, после прослушивания текста.(слайд № 4)
с) аудирование рассказа в аудиозаписи
English is probably the most widespread language on earth. People all over the world speak English. They do not all use it as their first language. In some countries, such as, Nigeria and India, there are often many different languages and so these countries use English as an “official” or “second” language for government, business and education.
Certain “international” professions, such as airline pilots and air-traffic controllers require a working knowledge of English. English is also the working language of computers. If you know English, you can now communicate with people from all over the world by computer.
Ответить на вопросы
1. What is the most widespread language on earth?
2. All people use English language as their first language, don`t they?
3. Why do we learn English?
4. Where did the bulk of English words come from?
4. Защита проектов
Teacher: If we want to know languages, we must know many words. Are you ready to present your projects? Here are four groups with their works. One pupil has prepared questions for you. Well, let`s begin.
Interviewer: Good day ladies and gentleman! Let`s begin our show. There are so many words, so many languages on our planet. But now more people speak English than any other language, don`t they?
Pupil1: Yes, they do.
Interviewer: What English speaking countries do you know?
Pupil 2: The USA, Australia, United Kingdom, …
Interviewer: If we want to know the word, what do we do?
Pupil 3: We use dictionaries.
Teacher: Sorry, for interrupting you, as you`ve said if we want to know languages, the words, the pronunciation, the meanings of the words, we use dictionaries. At this moment we come to the theme of our project works «The world famous dictionaries». (слайд № 5)
Teacher: So continue, please.
Interviewer: One of the most famous Russian dictionary is Dal`s dictionary. So what can you say about author and the dictionary?
1 группа: Dal`s dictionary. (слайд № 6, ученик рассказывает о Дале - слайд № 7, работы Даля - слайд № 8 , факты биографии - слайд № 9).
Interviewer: Well, thank you very much, now let`s listen to the second group about Ozhegov`s dictionary.
2 группа Ozhegov`s dictionary( слайд № 10, биография Ожегова - слайд № 11, основные работы – слайд № 12, о словаре – слайд № 13,14)
Interviewer: O` key, well done. It was very interesting. Now let`s listen to about English Longman`s dictionary.
3 группа: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ( слайд № 15, о словаре – слайд № 16, № 17,№ 18)
Interviewer: Very good! There is one more English dictionary. It is called Oxford English dictionary. The explanation of the word meanings are also given in English language. But there are other kinds of dictionaries, English- Russian dictionaries. One of them is Muller`s dictionary, and now we will speak about it.
4 группа: Muller`s dictionary. ( о словаре слайд № 19)
Teacher: Very good, girls and boys. You have done very good and hard work, thank you very much. Now let`s check up how do you understand, what these dictionaries consist of. Each group has the dictionary, I `ll say the word and you try to find this word in your dictionary. The first word is мама- mother. (Ученики 4-х групп находят слово в словарях, и дают его значение) (можно дать еще несколько слов, чтобы убедиться что учащиеся усвоили материал словарей, например:to run)
Teacher: Now let`s read the text and do the test. ( учащиеся читают по предложению, после этого выполняют тест- слайд № 20)
5. Подведение итогов.
6. Дача домашнего задания
Автор: Фатхутдинова Эльвира Фанисовна