Разработка урока английского языка по теме ''Политические системы разных стран'' к учебнику В.П.Кузовлев Английский язык 10-11 класс
<font size="2">Political systems of the world. /разработка урока преподавателя английского языка Шириной Т.Н. /
– совершенствование лексических навыков,
- развитие умение воспринимать на слух содержание аутентичных текстов
- развитие монологической и диалогической речи
-развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов из полученной информации.
Языковой и речевой материал:
-лексика раздела – WESTERN DEMOCRACIES
-модальный глагол should.
Методы: метод проектов, наглядно – иллюстративный метод.
Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор, слайд – проект, флаги США, России,
Великобритании, портреты лидеров, карточки с определениями
политических терминов, магнитофон. </font>
<font size="2"> План урока
1. организационно – психологический момент.
В начале урока звучит гимны Российской Федерации, США, Великобритании. </font>
<font size="2"> Teacher: Good afternoon! I m happy to see you! We have begun our lesson with the national anthem of our country. We are all citizens of Russia. In my opinion a man can t live outside a state. The life of citizens depends on the political system of the state. I m convinced that every citizens has to know everything about it. That’s why our theme today is Political systems of the world. Today we will talk about the main parts of different political systems. Imagine that we are participants in a conference about the political systems of different countries. You will be divided in to three groups. The first group will be politicians from the Russia. The second group will be politicians from the USA. The third will be politicians from the united kingdom. На столы групп ставят флаги стран. </font>
<font size="2"> 2. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Government policy is the theme of many aphorisms. Look at the blackboard read these aphorisms and try to find the correct translation.
- Every nation has the government that it deserves!
- The best government is that which governs most!
-The whole art of government consists in being honest!
Ученики выбирают правильный из предложенных вариантов перевод.
-Kаждая нация имеет правительство, которое заслуживает.
-Лучшее правительство, то которое управляет больше.
-Искусство управления - в честности. </font>
<font size="2"> 3. Повторение и обобщение учебного материала.
Teacher: All political systems have the same parts. Bat there are many other kinds of differences. Now well make them clear. Choose a representative from your group. He must go to the blackboard and complete the right information in the table.
По одному представителю от каждой группы заполняют колонку о своей стране, ис-пользуя предложенные части политического устройства. </font>
<font size="2"> Во время работы трех учеников у доски, со всеми остальными организуется работа по повторению политических терминов. Для этого используются карточки, у кото-рых на одной стороне напечатано определение термина, а на другой стороне – тер-мин.
Teacher: Try to guess the political terms using their definitions. </font>
<font size="2"> The head of the state in the United Kingdom.
/ the monarch/
Legislative branch in the USA.
/ Congress/
The head of government in Russia.
/ the Chairman/
The executive branch in the United Kingdom.
/ The government/
The judicial branch in Russia.
/ the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court/
The head of the state in the USA.
/ The President/
The legislative branch in Russia.
/ the Federal Assembly/
The head of the government in the United Kingdom.
/ the Prime Minister/
The executive branch in the USA.
/The President and the cabinet/ </font>
<font size="2"> Teacher: Choose a representative from your groups. They must go to the blackboard and talk about The Political Systems of their countries.
Показ презентаций </font>
<font size="2"> 4. Активизация лексики. </font>
<font size="2"> Teacher: In my opinion the policy of the state depends on the leader of the state. This man should have various special qualities. Look at the blackboard and choose only the positive qualities of the right leader. Ask questions each other about the politicions qualities.
Ученики выбирают и записывают положительные качества.
Sociable Общительный
Patient Упорный, настойчивый
Honest Честный
Power – loving Властолюбивый
Skilful Умелый
Gifted Талантливый
Bossy Надменный
Ruthless Жестокий
Loyal Преданный
Prudent Расчетливый, благоразумный
Reticent Сдержанный, скрытый
Risky Рискованный
Hypocritical Лицемерный
Self – reliant Уверенный в себе
sly Хитрый, ловкий </font>
<font size="2"> Teacher: I’ m sure that your states have leaders with such qualities. </font>
<font size="2"> 5. Активизация грамматического материала. </font>
<font size="2"> Teacher: And now let’s revise the grammar of the modal verb ‘should’. It is used to give advice or say that something is right or useful. </font>
<font size="2"> Choose the right item.
1. You … think about the future and not about the past.
Should Shouldn’t Must Mustn’t
2. You … have visa to travel to some countries.
Can Can’t Must Mustn’t
3. you … use your energy unless you have to
Should Shouldn’t Can Cant
4. Books … be returned on or before the date stamped below.
Should Shouldn’t Can Cant
5. They look alike. They … be twins.
Can Cant Must Mustn’t
6. Do you know how it … be done?
Should Shouldn’t Must Mustn’t </font>
<font size="2"> 6. Развитие навыков аудирования.
Teacher: Now we will listen to the texts about the political systems of Great Britain, USA and Russian federation. After listening the texts you will answer the questions.
1. Who is the head of the state in Great Britain?
2. Who has the real power in Great Britain?
3. What houses demonists of Parliament Great Britain?
4. Is the United States of America a Presidential republic?
5. What is the Legislative branch in the USA?
6. What does represent the executive branch in the USA?
7. What the in Russia federation state system according to the constitution?
8. What does the executive power belong to?
9. Who is the head of the government? </font>
<font size="2"> 7. Объяснение домашнего задания.
Teacher: At home you’ll repeat the modal verbs ‘shall’ and ‘should’, vocabulary from the unit 2, prepare for testing.
8. Do the crossword and answer the question: which institution exercises the power of the people in Great Britain?
A group of the most important ministers.
Non – elected members of Parliament.
Persons who are responsible for the government policies.
The number of seats the leading party has.
The party that challenges the official policy.
The head of state in Britain now.
The name the chambers /палаты/ of Parliament are called. </font>
<font size="2"> q
o u h
p e o
l p e u
c o m m o n s
a r i a s e
b d n j i
i s i o t
n s r i
e t i o
t e t n
r y
s </font>
<font size="2"> 8. Заключительный этап урока.
Teacher: We revised all the information about the political systems of different countries. What emotions do you feel after the lesson? </font>
<font size="2"> Positive emotions. Negative emotions.
-surprise -irritation
-happiness -boredom
-joy -sadness
-success -unsatisfaction
-admiration -anxiety
-proud -fear </font>
<font size="2"> I feel ……
Because I …..
- …..was /not/ bored.
-…...worked hard.
-……answered properly.
-……was active and impassioned.
-…..received a reward/ a good /bad/ mark.</font>
Автор: Ширина Татьяна Николаевна