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Clothes are very important because people look first, then listen. The clothes say a lot about the person. I always think of people by their clothes. I am not comfortable in clothes I don’t like. My favourite clothes for every day are…
Автор: Гаврилова Наталья Николаевна
Презентация по английскому языку "Любимая одежда" для 6 класса.
5.02 МБ, 1118074.rar Автор: Гаврилова Наталья Николаевна, 6 Июн 2015
Clothes are very important because people look first, then listen. The clothes say a lot about the person. I always think of people by their clothes. I am not comfortable in clothes I don’t like. My favourite clothes for every day are…
Автор: Гаврилова Наталья Николаевна
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