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Once there was a boy who loved a girl very much. The girl's father, however, did not like the boy and did not want their love to grow. The boy wanted to write the girl a love letter, but he was sure that the girl's father would read it first. At last he wrote this letter to the girl...
Автор: Плешакова Наталья Николаевна
Материал для проведения урока домашнего чтения по английскому языку в 8-11 кл. Текст "The Love Letter" с послетекстовыми упражнениями.
87 КБ, 1116828.doc Автор: Плешакова Наталья Николаевна, 6 Июн 2015
Once there was a boy who loved a girl very much. The girl's father, however, did not like the boy and did not want their love to grow. The boy wanted to write the girl a love letter, but he was sure that the girl's father would read it first. At last he wrote this letter to the girl...
Автор: Плешакова Наталья Николаевна
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