Детские песни
Детские песни на английском языке
1. Miss Molly has a dolly
2. (01.01) Old McDonald had a farm
3. (03.04) The wheels on the bus go round
4. (04.14) The grand old Duke of York
5. (05.25) The big ship sails
6. (06.30) London Bridge is falling down
7. (08.02) It’s raining
8. (09.30) Oh the bear went over the mountains
9. (10.45) I went to visit a farm one day
10. (11.50) Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
11 (13.12) Row, row, row your boat
12. (14.22) Incy wincy spider
13. (15.25) I hear thunder
14. (16.50) Polly put the kettle on
15. (18.15) Five little ducks went swimming one day
16. (19.45) Horsie, horsie, don’t stop
17. (20.55) cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoes
18. (22.07) Brush your teeth
19. (23.02) Hickety Pickety my red hen
20. (24.55) Five little speckled frogs
21. (26.50) Baa, baa, black sheep
22. (27.50) A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
23. (28.50) Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
24. (30.37) Five currant buns in a baker’s shop
25. (32.08) A cat came dancing out of the barn
26 (33.27) Once I caught a fish alive
27. (35.00) Down at the station early in the morning
Автор: Шилкина Анастасия Викторовна