1. Choose the correct verb form (Âûáåðè ïðàâèëüíóþ ôîðìó ãëàãîëà). 1) Mike’s mother usually… shopping on Saturdays. a) goes b) is going c) go 2) But now she … a tasty pie. a) cooks b) cooking c) is cooking 3) Mary often … her mother. a) help b) helping c) helps 4) I… a book at the moment. a) read b) is reading c) am reading 5) They … computer games every Sunday. a) play b) are playing c) playing 2. Choose missing words. (Âûáåðè è çàïîëíè ïðîïóùåííûå ñëîâà). Friendly, bossy, talkative, helpful, clever. 1) Linda talks a lot, she is … 2) Mike is always ready to help, he is … 3) My friend reads books all the time, she is … 4) John has a lot of friends, he is … 5) Robert often gives orders, he is …